December 10, 2018 Newsletter

December 21, 2018 – Colleen McKerley

Light of Life Rescue Mission

Located at 915 Western Avenue on Pittsburgh’s North Side, Light of Life Rescue Mission is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that does a lot to provide food and shelter for the poor and homeless. Meal and shelter ministries are entry points to life trans-forming care. Light of Life does that, but also much more. It provides comprehensive recovery programs, provides education and employment training, addiction recovery, life skills counseling, and many other services to the many people in our region who suffer from homelessness, addiction problems.

By equipping those less fortunate with tools to overcome poverty and other adversities, Light of Life helps improve the quality of life for the next generation. With functional, caring parents, children have the chance to succeed in school and grow up as healthy, productive citizens. As a result, Pittsburgh communities can grow and prosper. . Light of Life collaborates with an extensive list of local service providers, including Bethlehem Haven, Mercy Behavioral Health, North Side Christian Health Center, Allegheny County Jail, Action Housing, St. Vincent DePaul, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Bidwell and numerous other organizations.

Light of Life provides services to anyone regardless of age, race, creed, nationality, religious views or sexual orientation. It is clear about its Christ-centered programming, and intends to share the good news of Jesus (both through our actions and through our words) with those who come through our doors. However, we do that in a way that is gentle and loving, and meets each individual where they are.

Colleen McKerley will visit the Senior Men’s Club on December 21 to tell us more about this worthwhile organization and how it has revitalized the many lives of people in the Pittsburgh community.

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