January 21, 2019 Newsletter

January 25, 2019 – Barry Lipson: Our Judicial System


February 1, 2019 – Paul Collier: Patriotic DVDs

Paul Collier has been a member of the Senior Men’s Club from almost its very inception thirty years ago. During that time he has served as President of the Club, as well as numerous other important capacities, not the least of which as Program Chairman over many of those three decades. It was Paul who brought us Jim Leyland, Andy Rooney II, Franco Harris, Andy Russell, Steve Blass, Bob Walk, and many other sports notables to the Club as speakers, not once, but many times.

Collier has spent his 85+ years as a “Jack of All Trades”. A natural born leader, he was a chemical engineer in civilian life, and his military accomplishments include many years as a U.S. Marine carrier pilot, which has no doubt been a factor in his interest in military affairs and his drive for emphasizing armed forces programs during patriotic holidays.

Paul has a collection of DVDs which should make an interesting and informative program when he will present to us on February 1. Don’t miss this one.

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