February 1, 2019 – Paul Collier – Patriotic Dvd’s
February 8, 2019 – Bob Walk, Retired Pirate Pitcher / Pirates Announcer
The Pittsburgh Pirates ended the 2018 season with a Win/Loss record of 82/79, a percentage of .509, and a fourth place standing in the National League, Central. The record was a slight improvement over the previous two seasons, but a disappointment nevertheless.
But hope springs eternal. Bob “Whirly Bird” Walk will make his twelfth visit with the Senior Men’s Club on February 8th to give his estimate of this new season. Given his 14-year career as a major league pitcher and multi-years as a radio sports announcer and all-around baseball aficionado, there are few better qualified observers of the sport. His comments about the Pirates have always been candid, based on his close and long-standing relationship with the Club, both as a player and Fox play-by-play radio announcer.
We are honored to welcome Bob again this year, and we look forward to his inside comments about the 2019 Pittsburgh Pirates. We all hope that his assessment will bode well for a year well above the 500 mark.