SMC Bylaws



An Affiliate of the Sewickley Valley YMCA

Original:                 June 1, 1989

As Amended:       December, 1, 1989

As Amended:       January 31, 1992

As Amended:       January 14, 1994

As Amended:       November 1, 1996

As Amended:       March 7, 1997

As Amended:       September 29, 2000

As Amended:       June 27, 2003

As Amended:       October 3, 2006

As Amended:       November 17, 2010

As Amended:       September 13, 2013

As Amended:       November14, 2014

As Amended        December, 2024




ARTICLE I          NAME                                                   …………………………………3

ARTICLE II         PURPOSE                                             …………………………………3

ARTICLE III       MEMBERSHIP                                   …………………………………3

Section 1                               Qualifications

                Section 2                               Classes

                Section 3                               Dues and Fees


                Section 1                               Officers and Terms

                Section 2                               Vacancies

                Section 3                               Duties


                Section 1                               Nominating Procedures

                Section 2                               Election of Officers

                Section 3                               Installation of Officers

ARTICLE VI       MEETINGS                                              …………………………………5

                Section 1                               Regular

                Section 2                               Special

                Section 3                               Annual

ARTICLE VII      EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                …………………………………6


                Section 1                               Formation and Type

                Section 2                               Audit Committee


                Section 1                               Robert’s Rules

                Section 2                               Quorum for Meetings

                Section 3                               Quorum for Executive Committee

ARTICLE X         AFFILIATION                                         …………………………………6

ARTICLE XI       DISSOLUTION                                       …………………………………7

                Section 1                               Authority

                Section 2                               Bank Funds

                Section 3                               Tangible Property

ARTICLE XII      AMENDMENTS                                     …………………………………7



The name of this organization shall be SMC, an affiliate of the Sewickley Valley YMCA (hereinafter called “SMC”)



The purpose of the SMC shall be to promote a community-wide fellowship of senior people through social, and educational activities.



Section 1

Membership shall be open to all retired people who subscribe to the purpose of the SMC as contained in ARTICLE II.

Section 2

All who have registered and paid the required dues and fees shall be considered members.

Section 3

The membership year will be the calendar year. Dues for new members

a. joining before June 1, shall be the full annual dues.

b. joining on or after June 1, shall be 2/3 the annual dues, rounded to the nearest dollar.

Members with unpaid dues shall be notified by mail prior to June 15th each year that their names will be removed from the rolls as of July 1st.

Dues and fees recommended by the Executive Committee must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members voting at a regular or special meeting.



Section 1

The officers of the SMC shall be a President, Vice-President – Membership, Vice-President – Programs, Vice-President – Community Service, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Trustees. The term of office shall be one calendar year except for the Trustees who shall have three-year terms, with one Trustee being elected annually since the terms are staggered.

Section 2

If the President shall be unable to complete his term, the Vice-President Membership shall serve out the remainder of the term. All other vacancies shall be filled by action of the Executive Committee to complete the unexpired term. An elected President shall not serve more than one  full consecutive term.

Section 3

The duties of the officers shall be as follows

The Presidentshall:

  • Preside, if possible, at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all regular and special meetings of the membership
  • Appoint chairmen of all committees except the Nominating, Audit, Membership, Program, and Community Service Committees
  • Serve ex-officio as a member of all committees except the Audit and Nominating Committees
  • Appoint members to the Audit Committee
  • Annually appoint the SMC Historian
  • May approve unbudgetedexpenditures up to $500 without Executive Committee or membership approval
  • Sign a voucher for the Treasurer approving any such expenditure and report such action at the next meeting of the Executive Committee

The Vice-President – Membership shall assume the office and duties of the President in his absence, andact as Chairman of the Membership Committee.

The Vice-President – Programsshall assume the office and duties of the President should the Vice-President Membership be unavailable to do so, and act as Chairman of the Program Committee.

The Vice-President – Community Serviceshall assume the office and duties of the President in his absence should the Vice-President Membership or the Vice-President – Programs be unavailable to do so, and act as Chairman of the Community Service Committee.

The Secretaryshall:

  • Prepare minutes of regular, special, annual and Executive Committee meetings
  • Submit minutes for approval or modificationby the membership
  • Maintain custody of committee reports and other SMC records not specifically assigned to others for safekeeping
  • Reply to correspondence received and write letters to individuals and organizations as directed by the President
  • Annually provide the SMC Historian with a copy of minutes of Executive Committeemeetings and meetings when membership votes occur

The Treasurer shall:

  • Collect dues, assessments and fees and issue receipts for same  if requested
  • Maintain custody of the funds of the SMC in banks and in petty cash
  • Issue checks for payment of SMC bills as authorized, securing signatures of designated co-signers
  • Report to the membership on the activity and current balance in bank accounts and petty cash, also indebtedness, if any, such reports to be made at regular and annual meetings or otherwise as directed by the President
  • Invest SMC monies asdirected by the Executive Committee

The Trusteeshall:

  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and ex-officio as member of committees other than the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee
  • Attend meetings with such regularity as to maintain current knowledge of decisions affecting the SMC and its members,  in order to assure continuity of SMC philosophy and direction regardless of changes in SMC officers
  • Review annually SMC Bylaws and submit any recommended amendment(s) to the Executive Committee at its August meeting



Section 1

From time to time as circumstances may require, the members shall elect a Nominating Committee composed of three members, none of whom hold elective office. The Nominating Committee will select its own chairman and shall, at the regular meeting in November, announce a slate of candidates for office. Other nominations may be made from the floor only at the time of election of officers provided that the individual nominated has agreed to his nomination and to serve if elected.

Section 2

Election of officers for the succeeding year shall take place at the regular meeting in December. Voting shall be by written ballot or by a show of hands. The candidate for each office receiving a plurality shall be declared elected. Voting may be by proxies submitted in a form approved by the Executive Committee. Proxy votes will be counted if received prior to election.

Section 3

Installation of new officers shall take place at the annual meeting in January that will mark the beginning of their term of office.



Section 1

Regular meetings of the SMC shall be held on a scheduled basis at the Sewickley Valley YMCA, or at such other places approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 2

Special meetings, approved by the Executive Committee, shall be held at the call of the President. The Sewickley Valley YMCA shall be allowed to make one annual fund raising appeal at a regular meeting of the membership at a time mutually agreed to between the Sewickley Valley YMCA’s Executive Director and the President. All other direct, explicit solicitations, promotions and political appeals are excluded at both regular and special meetings.

Section 3

The annual meeting of the SMC shall be held on the third Friday in January. The outgoing President, Treasurer, and the chairmen of all standing committees shall present reports at the annual meeting.



The general direction of the SMC shall be vested in the Executive Committee that shall consist of the current elected officers, the immediate past president, and a representative appointed by the Sewickley Valley YMCA. The President shall be chairman of the Executive Committee which shall hold meetings as required to properly manage the affairs of the SMC but not less frequently than every two months. Meetings shall be held at the call of the President. The Executive Committee shall make recommendations to the membership for approval of all unbudgetedexpenditures exceeding $500.



Section 1

Standing Committees shall include but not be limited to Membership, Program, Community Service, and the Sewickley Valley YMCA annual fund raising drive. The President and each Trustee shall be ex-officio members of each committee except the Nominating and Audit Committees.

Section 2

During the first week of November the President shall appoint the Audit Committee, which shall be composed of three members, none of whom may be members of the Executive Committee. The Audit Committee shall name its own chairman, audit all SMC financial records and accounts, and report its findings and recommendations to the membership at the annual meeting. The audit shall be submitted to the YMCA for a further audit at its discretion.



Section 1

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the authority in all questions of Parliamentary Law.

Section 2

Ten percent (10%) of the total membership shall constitute a quorum at all regular, special or annual meetings.

Section 3

Five (5) members of the Executive Committee, including the President or one of the Vice-Presidents, shall constitute a quorum at the Executive Committee meetings.



The SMC will maintain its affiliation with the Sewickley Valley YMCA as long as such affiliation is mutually compatible. Either party may terminate the affiliation by 180 days written notice to the other. Proposals to expand or reduce the scope and nature of affiliation are subject to approval by vote of the SMC membership.



Section 1

Dissolution of the SMC may be effected by the two-thirds majority of members voting by written ballot, following three successive meetings allowing discussion of the question.

Section 2

Upon dissolution of the SMC, the Treasurer will make a final accounting of the balances in the bank account(s) and in petty cash and that amount will be donated to the Sewickley Valley YMCA. Membership may make a suggestion to the YMCA as to the use of the donation.

Section 3

The Executive Committee will dispose of all tangible property of the SMC as directed by a majority of members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.



These Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the SMC by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting and that it has been read to the members and discussed during that meeting.

Adopted by SMC:                                                                June 9, 1989

Approved by YMCA [with proposed amendments]:            November 28, 1989

As Amended:                                                                       December, 1, 1989

As Amended:                                                                       January 31, 1992

As Amended:                                                                       January 14, 1994

As Amended:                                                                       November 1, 1996

As Amended:                                                                       March 7, 1997

As Amended:                                                                       September 29, 2000

As Amended:                                                                       June 27, 2003

As Amended:                                                                       October 3, 2006

As Amended:                                                                       November 17, 2010/ (September 10, 2010 )

As Amended:                                                                       September 13, 2013

As Amended                                                                 December, 2024

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